Brave Me: I’m Ready for My X-ray!


What should have been an awesome day playing soccer, gets turned upside down when Riley’s ankle gets hurt. As his Dad rushes Riley to the emergency room to find out what happened to his ankle, Riley is feeling quite anxious. Luckily, Brave Me Headquarters gets an alert that Riley needs help and they immediately contact Riley’s Dad. As Riley speaks with the friendly robot Nano and the stately lion Captain Conrad they realize his bravery level is far too low. Since knowledge is power, they show him exactly what he can expect when he gets the X-ray. They let him know that an X-ray is just a picture of his bones and won’t hurt him at all. Riley also gets to speak directly with kids who have had X-rays to hear first-hand about how he has nothing to worry about with the procedure. He also learns about what it will be like for him if he did injure a bone in his ankle and might need a cast. As his fear about what might need to be done at the ER lessens, he realizes that he does have all the bravery he needs and is finally  ready for his X-ray!

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Sierra, 6

The Brave Me is ready for my X-ray now because I know what to expect. Riley did it and I can too!

Mom Angela

We had Connor watch the X-ray on the way to the ER just in case. Not only did it distract him from the pain he was in, but he was much more calm when we got there.

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